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发布时间: 2018-04-23 浏览次数: 559


1. Peizhen Qiu, Dawei Zhang*, Ming Jing, Taiguo Lu,Binbin Yu, Qiwen Zhan, and Songlin Zhuang, Dynamic tailoring of surface plasmonpolaritons through incident angle modulation, Optics Express, 2018, 26(8):9772. 20184月】中科院分区2区,TOP期刊

2. Bin Sheng, Guohua Chen*, Yuanshen Huang, and LuwenLuo, Measurement of grating groove density using multiple diffraction ordersand one standard wavelength, AppliedOptics, 2018, 57(10): 2514-2518. 20184月】

3. Zhenqing Li, Bo Yang, SekineSekine, SonglinZhuang,Dawei Zhang*, Yoshinori Yamaguchi*.Alignment and Counting of Mitochondria based on Capillary Electrophoresis. Sensorsand Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 265: 110-114. 20187月】中科院分区1区,TOP期刊

4. Yueping Zhu, Zhenqing Li*, Ping Wang, LisongShen, Dawei Zhang,YoshinoriYamaguchi*.Factors affecting the separation performance of proteins incapillary

Electrophoresis, Journal of Chromatography B, 2018, 1083:63-67. 20184月】

5. Ruijin Hong, Wen Shao, Wenfeng Sun, Cao Deng, ChunxianTao, Dawei Zhang*. Laser irradiationinduced tunable localized surface plasmonresonance of silver thin film. OpticalMaterials, 2018, 77: 198-203. 20183月】

6. Qiao Xu, Bo Dai, Yu Huang, Huansi Wang, ZHuoqing Yang,Kaimin Wang, SonglinZhuang, and DaweiZhang*. Fabrication of polymer microlens array with controllable focallength by modifying surface wettability, Optics Express, 2018, 26(4):4172-4182. 20182月】中科院分区2区,TOP期刊

7. Bin Sheng, Jiaojiao Fan*, Yuanshen Huang, Junjun Guo, HaoyuLyu, Dawei Zhang, SonglinZhuang.Precise Blaze Angle Adjustment of Echelle Grating by Self-Shadowing RotatingMask, IEEE Photonics Journal, 2018, 10(1): 2400107.20182月】

8. Wenzuo Wei, Ruijin Hong*, Ming Jing, Wen Shao,Chunxian Tao and Dawei Zhang, Thickness-dependentsurface plasmon resonance of ITO nanoparticles for ITO/In-Sn bilayer structure,Nanotechnology,2018, 29(1): 015705. 20181月】中科院分区2区,TOP期刊

9. Jiannong Chen,Chenglong Zhao, Dawei Zhang, Bo Dai, Linwen Zhu, Qinfeng Xu*, Generation of a ring-shapedfocusing spot with precisely controllable position and diameter, Journalof the Optical Society of America B, 2018, 3(35): 987. 20185月】

10. JinchaoTong, Landobasa Y. M. Tobing, Yu Luo, DaweiZhang, Dao Hua Zhang*, Single plasmonic structure enhanced dual-band room temperatureinfrared photo detection, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1):1548.20181月】


Peizhen Qiu, Dawei Zhang*, Ming Jing, Taiguo Lu, Binbin Yu,Qiwen Zhan, Songlin Zhuang, Dynamic tailoring of surfaceplasmon polaritons through incident angle modulation, Optics Express,26(8):9772-978320184月】


Dynamic tailoring of the propagatingsurface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) through incident angle modulation is proposedand numerically demonstrated. The generation and tailoringmechanism of the SPPs are discussed. The relationship formula between theincident angle and the generated SPP wave vector direction is theoreticallyderived. The correctness of the formula is verified with three differentapproaches using finite difference time domain method. Using this formula, thegenerated SPP wave vector direction can be precisely modulated by changing theincident angle. The precise modulation results of two dimensional Bessel-likeSPP beam and SPP bottle beam array are given. The results can deepen theunderstanding of the generation and modulation mechanism of the SPPs.



通过入射角精确地调制传播型表面等离激元波: (A) 结构及原理示意图 (B)二维SPP贝塞尔光束(上)和SPP空心光束(下)的调制结果


Zhenqing Li, Bo Yang, Shinichi Sekine, SonglinZhuang, DaweiZhang*, Yoshinori Yamaguchi*, Alignment and Counting of Mitochondria based onCapillary Electrophoresis. Sensors &Actuators B: Chemical , 265:110-11420187月】


The mitochondria are referred to as the ‘power houses’ of thecell. The number of mitochondria is considered to be related to variousdiseases (e.g., obesity, degenerative diseases, and aging), and thus countingthe number of mitochondria in per cell is helpful for the elucidation of therare cells. Here, we report a mitochondria-aligning system that can realizemitochondrion counting based on capillary electrophoresis technology. Byelectrophoresis of fluorescent microsphere in a capillary with internaldiameter approximated to the size of mitochondrion (0.5~1.5 μm), we find thatthe microsphere aggregated under DC voltage mode, corresponding to the peakintensity appeared much larger than that of one microsphere. After applyingsquare-wave pulsed electric field, the fluorescence signal from one microsphereimmediately appeared, indicating that the microsphere aligned one-dimensionallyand migrated through a narrow capillary. Based on the above phenomenon, weevaluated the mitochondria in per cell of COS-1, NIH3T3, brown fat precursorcell, and brown fat cell, respectively.


线粒体被喻为细胞中的迷你发电站,细胞中线粒体的数目与多种疾病有密切的关系,如肥胖症、退化性疾病和老化疾病等。为此,单个细胞中的线粒体的准确计数对于了解一些罕见的功能性细胞具有重要的价值。在本论文中,我们报道了一种通过毛细管电泳技术使线粒体有序排列与准确计数的方法。论文首先在毛细管中对接近线粒体大小的对荧光微球(0.5~1.5 μm)实施了电泳,结果表明,在直流电泳下,这些微球聚集在一起,即电泳峰会叠加在一起;当在毛细管两侧实施脉冲电场后,各个电泳峰单独出现,且峰值接近于单个微球的荧光信号。依据以上现象,我们对非洲绿猴肾细胞,小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞,棕色脂肪前驱细胞中的线粒体数目做了估量。

说明:D:\資料\论文\论文投稿\【Sensors and Actuators B Chemical_2018】Mitochondria Counting System Based on Capillary Electrophoresis\SNB\Figures\Fig.1.jpg

细线粒计数示意图: (A)毛细管与线粒体 (B)光学系统 (C)毛细管装置 (D)线粒体序列


Yueping Zhu, Zhenqing Li*, Ping Wang, LisongShen, Dawei Zhang,Yoshinori Yamaguchi*, Factors affecting the separation performance of proteinsin capillary electrophoresis, Journal ofChromatography B,1083:63-6720184月】


Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is an effective tool for proteinseparation and analysis. Compared with capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE),non-gel sieving capillary electrophoresis processes the superiority onoperation, repeatability and automaticity. Herein, we investigated the effectof polymer molecular weight and concentration, electric field strength, and theeffective length of the capillary on the separation performance of proteins,and find that (1) polymer with high molecular weight and concentration favorsthe separation of proteins, although concentrated polymer hinders its injectioninto the channel of the capillary due to its high viscosity. (2) The resolutionbetween the adjacent proteins decreases with the increase of electric fieldstrength. (3) When the effective length of the capillary is long, theseparation performance improves at the cost of separation time. (4) 1.4% (w/v)hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), 100 V/cm voltage and 12 cm effective lengthoffers the best separation for the proteins with molecular weight from 14400 Dato 97400 Da. Finally, we employed the optimal electrophoretic conditions toresolve Lysozyme, Ovalbumin, BSA and their mixtures, and found that they werebaseline resolved within 15 min.


毛细管电泳是蛋白质分析的一种有效工具。与凝胶毛细管电泳相比,无胶筛分毛细管电泳具有操作简便、重复性高及进样自动化等优势。在本论文中,我们研究了筛分介质分子量与浓度、电场强度、毛细管等因素对毛细管电泳分离蛋白质的影响。实验结果表明高分子量及浓度大的筛分介质有益于分离蛋白质,尽管它们会高浓度会使溶液变稠阻碍样品进入毛细管;相邻分子量之间的蛋白质分离度会随着电场强度升高而降低;当毛细管有效长度加大时,蛋白质分离时间延长但分离效率会明显提高;1.4%HEC100V/cm电场强度,300px有效毛细管长度可以有效分离分子量14400~97400 Da范围内的蛋白质。依据以上优化的电泳条件,我们在15分钟内有效分离了溶菌酶、卵清蛋白、牛血清蛋白以及以上蛋白的混合物。

说明:D:\資料\论文\论文投稿\【Journal of Chromatography B-2017】Factors affecting the separation performance of proteins in capillary electrophoresis\Upload0228\附图\Fig 6.tif

毛细管电泳分离蛋白质电泳图谱:(A) 溶菌酶 (B)卵清蛋白(C) 牛血清蛋白(D)蛋白混合物


Q. Xu, B. Dai, Y. Huang, H. Wang, Z. Yang, K. Wang, S. Zhuangand D. Zhang*, Fabrication of polymer microlens array with controllable focallength by modifying surface wettability. OpticsExpress , 26:4172-418220182月】


A straightforward technique for fabricating low-cost microlensarrays with controllable focal length is developed. By harnessing andmanipulating the interfacial energy between the liquid-state acrylate resin andthe solidified polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), the surface of the acrylate resinin the PDMS microhole presents a spherical shape and the curvature can beflexibly controlled. With the change of the processing time for the surfacemodification of the PDMS microholes, the focal length of the concavemicrolenses varies from –296.3 μm to –67.4 μm. The numerical aperture of 0.45is realized. The focal length and the aperture of the microlenses are also affectedby the diameter of the microholes. The fabricated concave microlens array canbe employed as a master to further duplicate convex microlens array. A goodimage quality can be achieved by using the convex microlens arrays.


微透镜阵列能够被广泛应用于三维成像、三维显示、生物检测等领域,本论文提出了一种全新的微透镜制作工艺。通过用等离子处理的方法修饰PDMS微孔阵列表面结构,改变PDMS表面疏水性。并且,旋涂丙烯酸脂,使液体状态的丙烯树脂进入微孔中,由于PDMS微孔表面疏水特性不同,在微孔中的丙烯酸脂表面会形成不同的曲率。最后,通过紫外光照的方法固化丙烯酸脂,以此形成微米结构的凹透镜阵列。由于所制作的凹透镜阵列具有良好的硬度和较好的耐热性,能够被用来当做模具,进一步制作凸透镜阵列。利用上述方法,可以制作出焦距为–296.3 μm–67.4 μm的凹透镜阵列,数值孔径可以达到0.45。所制作的微透镜阵列具有良好的光学特性,能够被用于微结构成像的应用中。

说明:E:\Research\0 Lens\Micolens array\Xu Qiao\OE\R1\Submission\Fig 6.tif

成像示意图:(a)基于微透镜阵列的成像系统。 (b)利用微透镜阵列呈现的‘USST’图像


Bin Sheng, Guohua Chen*, Yuanshen Huang, and Luwen Luo

Measurement of grating groove density using multiple diffractionorders and one standard wavelength

Applied Optics, 2018, 57(10): 2514-251820184月】


A new method for measuring grating groove density is proposedusing multiple diffraction orders and one standard wavelength to eliminate theeccentricity effect originated from the rotation of a diffraction grating.Based on the Littman configuration for autocollimation, the groove density canbe obtained by measuring the internal angles between the zeroth-order and twononzeroth-order diffracted beams for one laser wavelength at a certain incidentangle. The method was applied to measure the groove density of a plane gratingwith a nominal groove density of 651 lines/mm, where the mean value of thisgrating was measured to be 650.76 lines/mm with a relative measurement error ΔN/Nof 3.8 × 10−5 .


本文介绍了一种光栅线密度测量方法,这种方法利用光栅多衍射级次和单一标准波长来检测,并使用转镜来消除光栅旋转带来的偏心问题。在单一波长和某一个固定入射角下,通过Littman自准直方式测得0级和其他两个非零级次之间的夹角,可以精确测量光栅线密度。我们用这个方法测量了一块名义角度为651线/毫米的平面光栅,得到650.76线/毫米的测量结果,其相对误差为3.8 × 10−5

Based on the Littman configuration for autocollimation, thegroove density can be obtained by measuring the internal angles between thezeroth-order and two nonzeroth-order diffracted beams for one laser wavelengthat a certain incident angle.



Ruijin Hong, Wen Shao, WenfengSun, Cao Deng, Chunxian Tao, Dawei Zhang*

Laser irradiation induced tunablelocalized surface plasmon resonance of silver thin film

Optical Materials, 2018, 77:198-20320183月】


Tunable localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) properties ofsilver thin films were realized by CO2 laser irradiation. The effects of laserirradiation on the structure, morphology and optical property of the sampleswere investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope(SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), UV-VIS-NIR double beam spectrometer andRaman system, respectively. XRD patterns show that laser irradiation has theeffects of improving grain growth and orientation of Ag thin films. With laserirradiation power increasing, the topography of as-irradiated silver thin filmswere observed to develop discontinuous nano-ellipsoid structure with ared-shift of the surface plasmon resonance wavelength in visible region. Boththe various ellipsoid sizes and the states of aggregation of as-irradiatedsilver thin films contributed to increase significantly the sensitivity ofsurface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Additionally, the simulation resultof Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) was proved to be in good agreement withthat of the experiment.



SEM images of Ag thin films with laser powers of (a) 0W, (b)0.5W, (c) 1W, (d) 1.5W, (e) 2W, (f) 2.5W and (g) 3W.


(a) Absorption spectra of Ag thin films with increased laserirradiated powers; (b) Curve of wave crests from every absorption spectrum.

(a) 逐渐增加激光功率辐照银薄膜后的吸收光谱;(b) 每个吸收曲线峰值对应的波长曲线


Bin Sheng, Jiaojiao Fan*, Yuanshen Huang, Junjun Guo, Haoyu Lyu,Dawei Zhang, and Songlin Zhuang

Precise Blaze Angle Adjustment ofEchelle Grating by Self-Shadowing Rotating Mask

IEEE Photonics Journal, 2018, 10(1): 2400107. 20182月】


Angular precision of 0.1° for the blaze angle of echellegratings is an important technical requirement for spectral instruments withechelle gratings. This paper proposes a precise adjustment method for the blazeangle of echelle gratings that are etched or deposited by self-shadowingrotating mask. The blaze angle will decrease or increase when the grating isrotated in beams for etching or deposition, respectively. The blaze angle canbe controlled by adjusting the etching or deposition conditions. For theechelle grating with nominal blaze angle of 63.0° and groove density of 52.7g/mm, the blaze angle was decreased by 0.12° with a maximum etching depth of 19nm on the blaze facet. Additionally, the blaze angle adjustment precision willbe better than 0.02° if the maximum etch depth on the blaze facet is less than3 nm.



The blaze angle will decrease or increase when the grating isrotated in beams for etching or deposition, respectively. The blaze angle canbe controlled by adjusting the etching or deposition conditions.



Wenzuo Wei , Ruijin Hong*, Ming Jing, Wen Shao, Chunxian Tao andDawei Zhang

Nanotechnology 29 (2018) 015705

Thickness-dependent surface Plasmon resonance of ITOnanoparticles for ITO/In-Sn bilayer structure 20181月】


Tuning the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in dopedsemiconductor nanoparticles (NPs), which represents an important characteristicin LSPR sensor applications, still remains a challenge. Here, indium tinoxide/indium tin alloy (ITO/In-Sn) bilayer films were deposited by electron beamevaporation and the properties, such as the LSPR and surface morphology, wereinvestigated by UV-VIS-NIR double beam spectrophotometer and atomic forcemicroscopy (AFM), respectively. By simply engineering the thickness ofITO/In-Sn NPs without any microstructure fabrications, the LSPR wavelength ofITO NPs can be tuned by a large amount from 858 to 1758 nm. AFM images showthat the strong LSPR of ITO NPs is closely related to the enhanced couplingbetween ITO and In-Sn NPs. Blue shifts of ITO LSPR from 1256 to 1104 nm arealso observed in the as-annealed samples due to the higher free carrierconcentration. Meanwhile, we also demonstrated that the ITO LSPR in ITO/In-SnNPs structures has good sensitivity to the surrounding media and stabilityafter 30-day exposure in air, enabling its application prospects in manybiosensing devices.


实现掺杂半导体纳米离子的局域表面等离子体共振(LSPR)调谐是LSPR传感器应用的一个重要特性,但对其研究仍存在挑战。在此,通过电子束蒸发沉积氧化铟锡/铟锡合金(ITO / In-Sn)双层膜,并通过双光路紫外可见红外分光光度计和原子力显微镜来研究其LSPR和表面形态等特性。在没有其他微结构下,通过简单地调控ITO / In-Sn的厚度,ITO 纳米颗粒的LSPR波长可以从858调谐到1758nm。原子力显微镜的图像表明,ITO纳米颗粒的强LSPR特性与ITOIn-Sn纳米粒子之间的耦合强度密切相关。由于自由载流子浓度较高,在退火过的样品中可以观察到ITO LSPR波长从1256nm蓝移至1104nm。同时,我们还证明了双层膜结构中ITO LSPR对周围介质具有良好的敏感性,且在空气中暴露30天后仍具有稳定性,这些使其在许多生物传感装置中具有应用前景。

A schematic diagram of the whole experiment.


The LSPR of ITO in an ITO/In-Sn bilayer structure. Each grouphas four samples; the thickness of the In-Sn layer was always 3, 5, 7 and 10 nmfor a fixed ITO thickness.

