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发布时间: 2017-02-22 浏览次数: 1784

  1. Chaolong Fang,Bo Dai,RanZhuo,Xupeng Yuan,Xiumin Gao, Jing Wen,BinSheng,DaweiZhang*,Focal-length-tunableelastomer-based liquid-filled plano–convex mini lens,Optics Letters,2016,41(2): 404-407

  2. Yangwan Zhong,Jing Wen,Jiannong Chen, Linwei Zhu,Xiuming Gao, Chunxian Tao,and Dawei Zhang*,A Highly Efficient Plasmonic LensBased on a Single Annular Ring With Cross Section of an Asymmetric Slot,IEEEPhotonics Journal,2016,8(2): 4801309

  3. Linyong Qian, DaweiZhang*, Chunxian Tao, Ruijin Hong,Songlin Zhuang , Tunable guided-mode resonantfilter with wedged waveguide layer fabricated by masked ion beam etching, Optics Letters, 2016,41(5):982-985

  4. Bo Dai,Ran Zhuo,Songchao Yin,Mengxuan Lv,Ruijin Hong,Qi Wang,Dawei Zhang,Xu Wang*,Ultrafast imaging with anti-aliasing based onoptical time-division multiplexing,Optics Letters,2016,41(5):882-885

  5. Chaolong Fang,BoDai, Zheng Li, Ali Zahid, QIiWang, BinSheng, Dawei Zhang*,Tunable guided-moderesonance filterwith a gradient grating periodfabricatedby casting a stretched PDMSgratingwedge, Optics Letters,2016,41(22):5302-5305

  6. JingWen,Jiannong Chen,Kang Wang,Bo Dai,Yuanshen Huang,andDawei Zhang*,Broadband plasmonic logic input sources constructed with dualsquare ring resonators and dual waveguides,IEEE Photonics Journal ,2016,8(2):4801209

  7. Zhenqing Li*,YangZhao,Dawei Zhang,Songlin Zhuang,Yamaguchi, Yoshinori,The Development of aPortable Buoyancy-Driven PCR System and Its Evaluation by CapillaryElectrophoresis,Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical,2016,230779-784

  8. Zhenqing Li*,Chenchen Liu,Siyao Ma,Dawei Zhang,YoshinoriYamaguchi*,Analysis of the inhibition of nucleic acid dyes on polymerase chainreaction by capillary electrophoresis,AnalyticalMethods,2016,8(11):2330-2334

  9. Zhenqing Li*,Chenchen Liu,Dawei Zhang,Shaopeng Luo,YoshinoriYamaguchi*,Capillary electrophoresis of RNA in hydroxyethylcellulose polymerwith various molecular weights,Journal ofChromatography B,2016,1011114-120

  10. Ruijin Hong,Xiao Song,Chunxian Tao,Daohua Zhang,Dawei Zhang*,Surface-enhancedRaman scattering of silver thin films on as-roughened substrate by reactive ionetching,Applied Physics A,2016,122(3):178

  11. Bin Sheng,Peng Chen*,Chunxian Tao,Ruijin Hong,YuanshenHuang,Dawei Zhang,Linear variable filters fabricated by ion beam etching withtriangle-shaped mask and normal film coating technique,Chinese OpticsLetters,2015,13(12):122301

  12. Bin Sheng*,Hongyan Zhou*,Chunxian Tao,Ali Zahid;ZhengjiNi,Yuanshen Huang,Ruijin Hong,Dawei Zhang,Tunable and Polarization-IndependentWedged Resonance Filter with 2D Crossed Grating,IEEEPhotonics Technology Letters,2016,28(20):2211-2214

  13. Jianyu Wang,Qi Wang*,Ye Li,Peng Chen,Tian Huang,Bo Dai,YuanshenHuang,Dawei Zhang, Influence of photoresist layer on unetched guided moderesonance filter,Journal of Optics,2016,45(4)302-306

  14. Qi Wang,Ye Li,TianHuang,JianyuWang,Dawei Zhang*,Influence of structure parameters on FWHM and wavelengthseparation based on intensitytunable guided mode resonance filter,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,2016,58(3)705-708

  15. Ye Li,Qi Wang*,Dawei Zhang,Jianyu Wang,Peng Chen,Bo Dai,YuanshenHuang,Chunxian Tao,Bin Sheng,Intensity-tunable guided mode resonancereflectance filter with dual channels,IETMicro and Nano Letters,2016,11(2)105-108

  16. ChunxianTao*,Jun Fu,WenWang, Xiumin Gao, DaweiZhang,Opticalgradient forceof linearly polarized sine-azimuthal Lorentz beam withone on-axis optical vortex,Optik - InternationalJournal for Light and Electron Optics,2016,127(10)4193-4199

  17. Chunxian Tao*,Jun Ruan,Dong Liang,Zhaoxia Han,Liang He,RuijinHong,Xiao Cui,Dawei Zhang,Enhancement of UV Excited Photoluminescence byFabry-PerotMicrocavity,Journal ofSpectroscopy,2015,2015:153483

  18. HaimaYang*,Jia Song,DaweiZhang, Yuanshen Huang,A symmetrical surface plasmonresonance sensing structure excited by a stripe waveguide,Optik - International Journal for Light and ElectronOptics,2016,127(20)8629-8637

  19. Mengxuan Lv,Bo Dai*,Songchao Yin,Dawei Zhang,Xu Wang,Powerefficiency of time-stretch imaging system by using parallel interleavingdetection,Chinese Optics Letters,2016,14(10)101103

  20. Jing Wen,Kang Wang,Hui Feng,Jiannong Chen,Xiuming Gao,RuijinHong,Dawei Zhang*,Ultra-Broadband Excitations of Plasmonic Waveguides by BowtieApertures,Plasmonics,2016:1-6